Gigi's Blog

Welcome to Luigi Salmoiraghi Action Manager Blog

Data Analytics Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager
Business Strategy

Data analytics is a marathon

Data Analytics: Is your data stuck in a 5K rut? Run the full analytics marathon and learn the 6 key milestones to success.

Data Luigi Salmoiraghi Action Manager
Business Strategy

Data: it’s all about stories

Florence Nightingale was a British nurse who was known and believed in data. She is considered the founder of modern nursing, as she was the

Agenda less is more
Business Strategy

Empty agendas: less is more!

In today’s business environment, time and agenda management is crucial for success. In an article by Xavier Marcet that I read recently, he highlights the

Data to survive Luigi Salmoiraghi Action Management
Customer Insights

No data? Tough to survive

Companies gather data, but how can they turn it into compelling stories? Data holds valuable insights into customer behaviour, market trends, and the effectiveness of
