Gigi's Blog

Welcome to Luigi Salmoiraghi Action Manager Blog

DIKW Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager
Business Intelligence

From Data to Knowledge

How may you go from simple data to knowledge? The DIKW model is a robust framework for understanding how information evolves from raw data into

Taking Off Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager
Business Strategy

Seat your belt, let’s take off!

If there is no more room at home, look outside. Digitalisation (globalisation) has made the borders that previously seemed impossible for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs

Traffic Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager
Digital Marketing

Attention: traffic ahead!

Attention all businesses: traffic is coming! Consumer behaviour has evolved, and new consumer journeys, competitors, and collaborators come with these changes. CEOs and CMOs must

Data by Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales and Marketing Action Manager
Customer Insights

Five keys to create value using your own data

Data: many companies often have access to third-party information, but only you can access your own. Your business collects information with consumers’ explicit consent through
