Gigi's Blog

Welcome to Luigi Salmoiraghi Action Manager Blog

Corporate Strategy Luigi Salmoiraghi
Business Strategy

Corporate strategy: an introduction

Designing an effective corporate strategy involves defining clear goals and developing an action plan. From competitive differentiation to innovation, a well-designed strategy is critical to

The B2B Landscape Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales and Marketing Acrion Manager
Business Strategy

The Transformation of the B2B Landscape

The world of B2B sales is undergoing a profound transformation. The strategies that worked just a decade ago are no longer as effective, and companies

Sales Skills Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager
Business Strategy

Key skills for sales (part 2)

In the previous article, I underlined the key skills that are vital to communication in sales: the ability to create harmony with your potential buyer

Thinking Fast and Slow Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

Thinking Fast And Slow: what I learned

Many years ago, my friend Paul suggested I read “Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman.  Reading through the pages of his book, I learnt

Fall in love with the problem
Business Strategy

Fall in love with the problem

In the last year, I have had the chance to meet with some startups ready to become new unicorns on the market. Few of them
