Innovation Manager’s toolbox: resources and frameworks

Innovation Manager Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Fractional

Innovation isn’t just about having brilliant ideas. It’s about cultivating an environment where those ideas can flourish and evolve into tangible results. As an innovation manager, your toolbox should contain resources and frameworks that empower your team to think creatively, collaborate effectively, and navigate the often complex innovation process. Let’s explore some of the most […]

Innovation Management: trends shaping the field

Innovation Management Luigi Salmoiraghi Fractional Sales Marketing Manager

Rapid technological advancements and evolving market dynamics are driving perpetual flux in the landscape of innovation management. Organizations that aim to remain at the forefront of innovation must adapt to these changes and embrace the tools and strategies that will shape the field’s future. Let’s see some of the most significant trends and technologies revolutionizing […]

Measuring the impact of innovation

Innovation Metrics Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Fractional Manager

Innovation is often seen as the lifeblood of modern businesses, driving growth, enhancing competitiveness, and ensuring long-term sustainability. However, without a clear understanding of measuring its impact, innovation efforts can become aimless and resources misallocated. This is where metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) step in, offering a structured way to evaluate the effectiveness of […]

Il manuale dell’Innovation Manager

Innovation Manager Playbook Luigi Salmoiraghi

In today’s business landscape, innovation is no longer a luxury but a necessity for survival and growth. Innovation managers are pivotal in driving this change by identifying opportunities, bringing new ideas to life, and creating a culture of creativity. But what does it take to be a successful innovation manager? Let’s delve into the essential skills […]

Gli ostacoli all’innovazione

Innovation Manager Luigi Salmoiraghi

L’innovazione è la chiave del progresso e della crescita per le organizzazioni di tutti i settori. Tuttavia, il percorso verso l’innovazione può essere impegnativo. Ci sono molte sfide, ostacoli e spesso resistenze al cambiamento. Comprendere e superare questi ostacoli è fondamentale per qualsiasi organizzazione che voglia rimanere competitiva e rilevante. Gli ostacoli piú comuni Paura […]

What is a brand and how to build a successful one

Brand Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Innovation Manager

/*! elementor – v3.23.0 – 15-07-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} What is a brand? Creating one is challenging and is not reducible only to its graphic expression, such as the logo or brand guidelines. Creating a successful brand is complex, and it involves the whole company: not only communication but also sales, after-sales, […]

CRM: does your company need one?

CRM Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

CRM software – an acronym for Customer Relationship Management – is a solution that allows you to coordinate and manage every digital interaction between a company and its customers, whether current or potential. CRM software will enable companies and their teams to manage each user’s relationship, simplify work and interaction processes, and improve profitability. Is […]

Storytelling: every market needs a story

Storytelling Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Maanger

/*! elementor – v3.22.0 – 26-06-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} Storytelling is a communication technique that has evolved in recent years and reached new levels. Why has storytelling become so important? What is corporate storytelling?  What does storytelling mean? What is its meaning? This activity changes the perspective of how a company relates […]

Landing Page: What an Effective Page Looks Like

Landing Page

/*! elementor – v3.22.0 – 17-06-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} A landing page is a fundamental digital marketing tool that guides users to carry out a specific action, which we call conversion, which responds to a precise objective. Unlike traditional web pages, marketers design landing pages to eliminate all distractions and focus on […]

Real-time marketing: marketing never sleeps

Real time marketing Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

/*! elementor – v3.21.0 – 26-05-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} Real-time marketing is a communication strategy that uses real-time events and situations to promote products or services. This approach aims to capitalize on the audience’s attention when something relevant happens, allowing brands to insert themselves into conversations that are already active and of […]

Corporate strategy: an introduction

Corporate Strategy Luigi Salmoiraghi

Designing an effective corporate strategy involves defining clear goals and developing an action plan. From competitive differentiation to innovation, a well-designed strategy is critical to business success and relevance in the marketplace. Thriving in today’s business market requires preparedness.    What are corporate strategies? Corporate strategies are long-term action plans companies design to achieve their […]

The Transformation of the B2B Landscape

The B2B Landscape Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales and Marketing Acrion Manager

The world of B2B sales is undergoing a profound transformation. The strategies that worked just a decade ago are no longer as effective, and companies risk falling behind if they don’t adapt. This article will analyze the main challenges sales face today and explore new strategies for success in this new environment. The Lengthening of […]

Key skills for sales (part 2)

Sales Skills Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

/*! elementor – v3.21.0 – 08-05-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} In the previous article, I underlined the key skills that are vital to communication in sales: the ability to create harmony with your potential buyer and know how to interpret what they say, what they can’t tell you, and even what they can’t […]

Key skills for sales success (part 1)

Key Skill Sales Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

What are the key skills to be successful in sales? In the last twenty years, I have worked with some of the best salespeople I have ever met. I tried to learn from each one, searching for the magical formula for the art of selling.  Unfortunately, there is no formula or magic potion; every salesperson […]

Thinking Fast And Slow: what I learned

Thinking Fast and Slow Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

Many years ago, my friend Paul suggested I read “Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman.  Reading through the pages of his book, I learnt of the dual systems of our thought processes: the rapid, intuitive ‘System 1’ and the deliberate, analytical ‘System 2’. The Nobel Committee awarded Professor Kahneman the Nobel Prize in 2002 […]

Fall in love with the problem

Fall in love with the problem

In the last year, I have had the chance to meet with some startups ready to become new unicorns on the market. Few of them offer reasonable solutions, but the majority will not succeed in this journey for a straightforward reason: they love their product while they should fall in love with the problem. I […]

From Data to Knowledge

DIKW Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

How may you go from simple data to knowledge? The DIKW model is a robust framework for understanding how information evolves from raw data into actionable wisdom. Each letter in the acronym represents a distinct stage, forming a pyramid of knowledge progression. Data (D): The Foundation At the base of the pyramid lies “data”.  Imagine […]

Seat your belt, let’s take off!

Taking Off Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

If there is no more room at home, look outside. Digitalisation (globalisation) has made the borders that previously seemed impossible for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs today nothing more than a perfectly surmountable obstacle.  An opportunity to extend the business beyond the local market.  Because multiplying spaces is multiplying the chances of success at the end […]

The price of everything and the value of nothing

The Value Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales and Marketing Action Manager

/*! elementor – v3.20.0 – 20-03-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} In the modern era, Oscar Wilde’s aphorism, ‘Today people know the price of everything and the value of nothing’, is more relevant than ever, particularly in the consulting industry. In a world where the focus is often on tangible costs and figures, the […]

Problem-solving is a talent that is undervalued

Problem Solving Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

/*! elementor – v3.20.0 – 13-03-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} Problem-solving is an essential skill that is undervalued. Many undervalue problem-solving as an essential skill that helps individuals make clear decisions during uncertain times and proves critical for those seeking work in the post-pandemic era. Let’s take a methodical approach that focuses on […]

Attention: traffic ahead!

Traffic Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

Attention all businesses: traffic is coming! Consumer behaviour has evolved, and new consumer journeys, competitors, and collaborators come with these changes. CEOs and CMOs must digitally transform their businesses to keep up. One critical task is to bring more traffic to their website, either to sell or generate new leads. However, many companies still need […]

Five keys to create value using your own data

Data by Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales and Marketing Action Manager

Data: many companies often have access to third-party information, but only you can access your own. Your business collects information with consumers’ explicit consent through interactions on apps and websites and in response to marketing initiatives, such as emails and loyalty programs.   Using your records responsibly can help brands forge direct customer relationships, create value, […]

Data analytics is a marathon

Data Analytics Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

Data Analytics: Is your data stuck in a 5K rut? Run the full analytics marathon and learn the 6 key milestones to success.

Data: it’s all about stories

Data Luigi Salmoiraghi Action Manager

Florence Nightingale was a British nurse who was known and believed in data. She is considered the founder of modern nursing, as she was the first to apply the scientific method through statistics. She made the history books of diagrams in 1858 with a publication related to epidemic deaths in the Crimean War.  The key […]

The ten commandments of the modern CEO

10 Commandaments Luigi Salmoiraghi Action Manager

In a constantly evolving world, the CEO must be able to embrace change as a constant and guide his company through turbulence with a clear vision, effective leadership, and strategies that are suitable for new challenges and opportunities. We cannot ask “to change” to collaborators if the top management does not change first. 1. First, […]

Empty agendas: less is more!

Agenda less is more

In today’s business environment, time and agenda management is crucial for success. In an article by Xavier Marcet that I read recently, he highlights the importance of “emptying agendas” to free up time and energy for more meaningful and empowering activities.  All companies should rethink how they use their diaries, moving away from the saturation […]

Looking for a CEO? You don’t need people from your industry!!

Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Management

The CEO problem, from which industry? Now that I have noticed your attention to this article, could we look deeper into the CEO problem? This article refers to C-level management, especially CEOs and COOs. In my new journey as founder of Action Management, I have been helping a startup raise its initial pre-seed funding. The […]

No data? Tough to survive

Data to survive Luigi Salmoiraghi Action Management

Companies gather data, but how can they turn it into compelling stories? Data holds valuable insights into customer behaviour, market trends, and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, among others. However, one must know how to read and interpret it to benefit from it. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can benefit from data analytics like large […]

Factors when it comes to customer loyalty

Loyalty Luigi Salmoiraghi Action Management

Customer loyalty: companies put too much effort into attracting new customers (we saw in a previous article the importance of closing projects) but often need to remember to retain those who already buy from their business. The ideal would be to combine both to obtain better results. This is one of the most critical points […]


Digital Revolution Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

Digital Revolution? In the rapidly evolving landscape of the business world, the term “Digital Transformation” has become a buzzword, signifying the integration of digital technologies into various aspects of a company’s operations. However, for many Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs), this shift is not merely a transformation; it’s a complete revolution that reshapes their entire […]