Rebranding: to do or not to do?

Rebranding Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Innovation Manager

Rebranding is a strategy that can transform a company, helping it stay relevant, adapt to market changes, and respond more effectively to customer needs.

Companies should not take the decision lightly, as the process demands resources, time, and clear objectives and vision. However, rebranding offers numerous benefits and can often determine a company’s success. Below, we’ll explore 36 reasons to consider this strategy.

Rebranding is a complex process that requires in-depth strategic analysis and a clear communication plan.

The first step is to evaluate the current perception of the brand through market surveys and customer feedback, identifying what works and what needs to be improved. Subsequently, the specific objectives of the rebranding are defined, such as attracting a new target or enhancing reputation.

Upon completing the rebranding strategy, we design the logo, colours, tone of voice, and brand message, ensuring each element reflects the new corporate identity. Finally, the rebrand must be communicated consistently across all channels, from digital platforms to the physical point of sale, to ensure a smooth transition and create engagement with the public.

Companies that analyse, strategise, and use creativity in their rebranding efforts can adapt and grow, while those that don’t risk being overtaken by the competition.

The brand is dated and needs a restyling.

A dated image risks alienating customers, giving the impression that the company needs to align with the times. A rebrand helps modernise the brand, making it fresher and more contemporary.

Change in corporate mission or values

The brand must reflect any changes to the company mission or new values. Rebranding means aligning the message and vision with new corporate priorities.

Merger or acquisition

When two companies merge, a rebranding is often necessary to best represent the new combined identity and ensure that customers perceive the new entity as unique and cohesive.

Expand into new markets.

Entering new markets often requires a different branding approach. A rebranding can help the company adapt to the new audience’s cultural preferences and needs.

Negative reputation.

If a company has a reputational crisis or is associated with negative episodes, rebranding can help clean up the image and relaunch the brand in a new light.

New leadership.

A change in management can bring new ideas and strategic directions. The rebranding allows us to reflect this change and mark a new phase for the company.

Differentiate yourself from competitors.

In highly competitive industries, standing out is essential. A rebranding can give the brand a unique identity, making it more visible than its competitors.

Launch a new product or service.

If the company expands its offerings, a rebrand can help communicate the value of the new product or service and integrate the innovation into the brand identity.

Evolving customer needs.

Customer expectations change over time. A rebranding allows the company to respond to new needs and demonstrate alignment with current expectations.

Need for simplification.

Sometimes, brands become too complex and challenging to manage. A rebranding can simplify the corporate image and make it more straightforward for the public.

Adaptation to market trends.

Industry trends change rapidly. A brand must evolve to stay relevant, and rebranding helps keep the company ahead of trends.

Expansion of target customers.

When the company wants to attract a new segment of customers, it is essential to update the brand to reflect the preferences and expectations of this new audience.

Consistency issues.

If the corporate image is inconsistent across different channels, a rebranding allows you to standardise and harmonise the message, improving brand recognisability.


A company that expands abroad needs a global image. Rebranding can help build an identity that works internationally, considering cultural differences.

Achieve more incredible notoriety.

If the brand is little known, a strategic rebranding can improve visibility and attract the attention of a wider audience.

Modernise the brand experience.

The brand experience must evolve along with customer expectations. A rebrand can help create more modern and engaging experiences.

Expand your brand without confusing your audience.

When a company diversifies too much, it may need to rebrand to maintain consistency and clarify its offerings.

Competing in a saturated market.

In sectors with many competitors, rebranding allows you to emerge and acquire an identity that helps you stand out clearly.

Increased audience engagement

A well-designed rebrand can create new interest, leading to increased interaction and engagement from the public.

Capitalise on a trend.

If a trend reflects company values, a rebrand can help capitalise on it, drawing attention to a new direction.

Integrate a new corporate culture.

If the company culture changes, the brand should represent it to ensure correspondence with the internal reality.

Respond to a drop in sales.

When sales slow, rebranding can reignite interest and put the brand in the spotlight.

Create an omnichannel experience.

Rebranding can help unify the customer experience across all channels, fostering a stronger connection.

Strengthen corporate reputation.

Rebranding is an effective strategy for underlining new values ​​and conveying a reliable image, which can improve a company’s reputation.

Facilitate the transition to digital.

A rebrand helps traditional companies reorganise their image to communicate the transition to digital.

Respond to regulatory changes.

Legislative changes may require changes in the corporate image to reflect adaptation to new standards.

Connect with new generations.

A rebrand helps companies speak the language of young people, adapting the message to a more digitalised generation.

Improve the perception of quality.

Rebranding can change public perception, conveying the idea of ​​a higher-quality product.

Simplify an image that is too complex.

If the brand has become complex and unrecognisable, rebranding allows you to clean up and simplify the image to make it more effective.

Rebranding is a strategy that can transform a company, helping it stay relevant, adapt to market changes, and respond more effectively to customer needs.

Companies should not take the decision lightly, as the process demands resources, time, and clear objectives and vision. However, rebranding offers numerous benefits and can often determine a company’s success. Below, we’ll explore 36 reasons to consider this strategy.

Rebranding is a complex process that requires in-depth strategic analysis and a clear communication plan. The first step is to evaluate the current perception of the brand through market surveys and customer feedback, identifying what works and what needs to be improved. Subsequently, the specific objectives of the rebranding are defined, such as attracting a new target or enhancing reputation.

Upon completing the rebranding strategy, we design the logo, colours, tone of voice, and brand message, ensuring each element reflects the new corporate identity. Finally, the rebrand must be communicated consistently across all channels, from digital platforms to the physical point of sale, to ensure a smooth transition and create engagement with the public.

Companies that analyse, strategise, and use creativity in their rebranding efforts can adapt and grow, while those that don’t risk being overtaken by the competition.

The brand is dated and needs a restyling.

A dated image risks alienating customers, giving the impression that the company needs to align with the times. A rebrand helps modernise the brand, making it fresher and more contemporary.

Change in corporate mission or values

The brand must reflect any changes to the company mission or new values. Rebranding means aligning the message and vision with new corporate priorities.

Merger or acquisition

When two companies merge, a rebranding is often necessary to best represent the new combined identity and ensure that customers perceive the new entity as unique and cohesive.

Expand into new markets.

Entering new markets often requires a different branding approach. A rebranding can help the company adapt to the new audience’s cultural preferences and needs.

Negative reputation.

If a company has a reputational crisis or is associated with negative episodes, rebranding can help clean up the image and relaunch the brand in a new light.

New leadership.

A change in management can bring new ideas and strategic directions. The rebranding allows us to reflect this change and mark a new phase for the company.

Differentiate yourself from competitors.

In highly competitive industries, standing out is essential. A rebranding can give the brand a unique identity, making it more visible than its competitors.

Launch a new product or service.

If the company expands its offerings, a rebrand can help communicate the value of the new product or service and integrate the innovation into the brand identity.

Evolving customer needs.

Customer expectations change over time. A rebranding allows the company to respond to new needs and demonstrate alignment with current expectations.

Need for simplification.

Sometimes, brands become too complex and challenging to manage. A rebranding can simplify the corporate image and make it more straightforward for the public.

Adaptation to market trends.

Industry trends change rapidly. A brand must evolve to stay relevant, and rebranding helps keep the company ahead of trends.

Expansion of target customers.

When the company wants to attract a new segment of customers, it is essential to update the brand to reflect the preferences and expectations of this new audience.

Consistency issues.

If the corporate image is inconsistent across different channels, a rebranding allows you to standardise and harmonise the message, improving brand recognisability.


A company that expands abroad needs a global image. Rebranding can help build an identity that works internationally, considering cultural differences.

Achieve more incredible notoriety.

If the brand is little known, a strategic rebranding can improve visibility and attract the attention of a wider audience.

Modernise the brand experience.

The brand experience must evolve along with customer expectations. A rebrand can help create more modern and engaging experiences.

Expand your brand without confusing your audience.

When a company diversifies too much, it may need to rebrand to maintain consistency and clarify its offerings.

Competing in a saturated market.

In sectors with many competitors, rebranding allows you to emerge and acquire an identity that helps you stand out clearly.

Increased audience engagement

A well-designed rebrand can create new interest, leading to increased interaction and engagement from the public.

Capitalise on a trend.

If a trend reflects company values, a rebrand can help capitalise on it, drawing attention to a new direction.

Integrate a new corporate culture.

If the company culture changes, the brand should represent it to ensure correspondence with the internal reality.

Respond to a drop in sales.

When sales slow, rebranding can reignite interest and put the brand in the spotlight.

Create an omnichannel experience.

Rebranding can help unify the customer experience across all channels, fostering a stronger connection.

Strengthen corporate reputation.

Rebranding is an effective strategy for underlining new values ​​and conveying a reliable image, which can improve a company’s reputation.

Facilitate the transition to digital.

A rebrand helps traditional companies reorganise their image to communicate the transition to digital.

Respond to regulatory changes.

Legislative changes may require changes in the corporate image to reflect adaptation to new standards.

Connect with new generations.

A rebrand helps companies speak the language of young people, adapting the message to a more digitalised generation.

Improve the perception of quality.

Rebranding can change public perception, conveying the idea of ​​a higher-quality product.

Simplify an image that is too complex.

If the brand has become complex and unrecognisable, rebranding allows you to clean up and simplify the image to make it more effective.


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Picture of Luigi Salmoiraghi

Luigi Salmoiraghi

Boost your European growth journey. Senior B2B manager. Expertise in the IT sector. I help businesses navigate the post-Brexit landscape with insights on channels, legal, cultural diversity, marketing and sales.

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¿Por qué algunas PYME venden
y otras no?

¡Optimiza tu estrategia de ventas con un modelo probado y escalable!

Los problemas B2B más comunes:

  1. Previsiones de ventas poco fiables: Incertidumbre sobre los ingresos futuros.
  2. Mensajes ineficaces: Comunicación mal orientada que conduce a la pérdida de oportunidades.
  3. Ciclos de venta largos e ineficaces: Demasiados obstáculos y tiempo perdido.
  4. Falta de un proceso escalable: Depender de vendedores individuales en lugar de un sistema eficaz.
  5. Esfuerzos de marketing y ventas desconectados: Desajuste entre la generación de clientes potenciales y la conversión.

Soluciones ofrecidas en el libro:

  • Metodología Outbound: Construye un proceso de ventas que funcione de forma independiente, ofreciendo resultados predecibles.
  • Llamada en frío 2.0: Crea mensajes personalizados y escalables para obtener respuestas de los responsables de la toma de decisiones.
  • Definir el Perfil del Cliente Ideal (ICP): Identifica a los clientes adecuados y ahorra un tiempo valioso.
  • Optimización de CRM y Automatización: Integra herramientas tecnológicas para seguir y mejorar cada paso del proceso.
  • Estrategias de marketing entrante: Desarrolla contenidos valiosos para atraer a los clientes adecuados y convertirlos en clientes potenciales cualificados.

¿Qué encontrarás en el libro?

  • Técnicas prácticas para generar clientes potenciales y cerrar ventas.
  • Consejos para mejorar la comunicación con el cliente.
  • Herramientas para analizar datos y optimizar las decisiones de marketing.
  • Casos de éxito y estudios de casos.

¡Descárgate ahora tu ebook y transforma tu estrategia de ventas!

B2B Sales: the ultimate guide by Luigi Salmoiraghi