Focus on the problem, not the product, is the key to success!

Luigi Salmoiraghi Focus on Success Sales Marketing Manager

Success: how to achieve it?

I have had several conversations with founders about their startups in the past months.

Recently, one of these stood out. Over dinner with a group of entrepreneurs, I met a passionate student who spent his evenings building a startup with his co-founders after a day of working a corporate internship he didn’t enjoy. His dedication was inspiring, but when I asked him to pitch his idea, he made a common mistake I see far too often.  

He started with: «We’re building a…»

That’s when I had to stop him. It might have seemed abrupt, but it was a moment too valuable to pass up. I explained: «The moment you started talking about what you’re building, you lost me.»  

His confusion was understandable. After all, he’d poured months of work into this product, and here I was, telling him he was approaching it all wrong. But here’s the truth: entrepreneurship isn’t about building things but solving problems.  

Why do customers care about problems, not products?  

Customers don’t buy products for what they are; they buy them for what they solve. When founders fixate on describing their product—its features, tech stack, or design—they lose sight of what truly matters:

The customer’s pain points.  

Whenever I hear a pitch starting with «We’re building a…» or «Our product does…» it’s a red flag.

It signals a focus on the solution instead of the problem. And while enthusiasm for your creation is excellent, it can become a trap.  

Instead, frame the conversation around the customer’s struggles. For example, don’t say, «We’re building a platform that connects X with Y.» Instead, lead with the problem:  

«Right now, people who do X struggle with Y because of Z. It’s costing them time and money.»

This approach makes the customer the story’s centre, speaking directly to their challenges. It shifts from showcasing what you’ve built to demonstrating the impact you’ll have on their lives.  

The Builder’s Trap  

Why do so many entrepreneurs fall into the «We’re building a…» trap? Because founders are builders by nature. The excitement of creating something tangible often eclipses the importance of deeply understanding the customer’s needs.  

But here’s the reality:

Startups don’t succeed because of excellent products; they succeed because they solve meaningful problems.

The most successful entrepreneurs immerse themselves in their customers’ worlds, identify the pain points, and craft solutions tailored to those needs.  

This problem-first mindset does not only apply to pitching. It should shape every aspect of your startup, from product development to marketing strategies. Success is measured not by how impressive your product looks but by how effectively it solves a problem—and whether people are willing to pay for that solution.  

Building Value Starts With Empathy  

When you start with the problem, you don’t just create a product; you create value. You demonstrate that you understand your customers’ struggles and goals. This empathy is what distinguishes startups that thrive from those that falter.  

So, the next time you find yourself beginning a pitch with, «We’re building a…» stop and ask:  

– Am I addressing the problem?

– Am I speaking to the needs of the people I’m trying to help?

If the answer is no, it’s time to reframe the conversation. The best entrepreneurs aren’t those who build the most products; they’re the ones who solve the most problems. Solving problems is what turns a startup idea into a lasting success.  

Are you ready to shift your startup’s focus and unlock its potential?

Let’s work together to refine your messaging and strategy to ensure your solution resonates with your audience. Get in touch for a consultation, and let’s make your startup the one that solves the problems people can’t ignore.

Contact me!

Success: how to achieve it?

I have had several conversations with founders about their startups in the past months.

Recently, one of these stood out. Over dinner with a group of entrepreneurs, I met a passionate student who spent his evenings building a startup with his co-founders after a day of working a corporate internship he didn’t enjoy. His dedication was inspiring, but when I asked him to pitch his idea, he made a common mistake I see far too often.  

He started with: «We’re building a…»

That’s when I had to stop him. It might have seemed abrupt, but it was a moment too valuable to pass up. I explained: «The moment you started talking about what you’re building, you lost me.»  

His confusion was understandable. After all, he’d poured months of work into this product, and here I was, telling him he was approaching it all wrong. But here’s the truth: entrepreneurship isn’t about building things but solving problems.  

Why do customers care about problems, not products?  

Customers don’t buy products for what they are; they buy them for what they solve. When founders fixate on describing their product—its features, tech stack, or design—they lose sight of what truly matters:

The customer’s pain points.  

Whenever I hear a pitch starting with «We’re building a…» or «Our product does…» it’s a red flag.

It signals a focus on the solution instead of the problem. And while enthusiasm for your creation is excellent, it can become a trap.  

Instead, frame the conversation around the customer’s struggles. For example, don’t say, «We’re building a platform that connects X with Y.» Instead, lead with the problem:  

«Right now, people who do X struggle with Y because of Z. It’s costing them time and money.»

This approach makes the customer the story’s centre, speaking directly to their challenges. It shifts from showcasing what you’ve built to demonstrating the impact you’ll have on their lives.  

The Builder’s Trap  

Why do so many entrepreneurs fall into the «We’re building a…» trap? Because founders are builders by nature. The excitement of creating something tangible often eclipses the importance of deeply understanding the customer’s needs.  

But here’s the reality:

Startups don’t succeed because of excellent products; they succeed because they solve meaningful problems.

The most successful entrepreneurs immerse themselves in their customers’ worlds, identify the pain points, and craft solutions tailored to those needs.  

This problem-first mindset does not only apply to pitching. It should shape every aspect of your startup, from product development to marketing strategies. Success is measured not by how impressive your product looks but by how effectively it solves a problem—and whether people are willing to pay for that solution.  

Building Value Starts With Empathy  

When you start with the problem, you don’t just create a product; you create value. You demonstrate that you understand your customers’ struggles and goals. This empathy is what distinguishes startups that thrive from those that falter.  

So, the next time you find yourself beginning a pitch with, «We’re building a…» stop and ask:  

– Am I addressing the problem?

– Am I speaking to the needs of the people I’m trying to help?

If the answer is no, it’s time to reframe the conversation. The best entrepreneurs aren’t those who build the most products; they’re the ones who solve the most problems. Solving problems is what turns a startup idea into a lasting success.  

Are you ready to shift your startup’s focus and unlock its potential?

Let’s work together to refine your messaging and strategy to ensure your solution resonates with your audience. Get in touch for a consultation, and let’s make your startup the one that solves the problems people can’t ignore.

Contact me!

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Picture of Luigi Salmoiraghi

Luigi Salmoiraghi

Boost your European growth journey. Senior B2B manager. Expertise in the IT sector. I help businesses navigate the post-Brexit landscape with insights on channels, legal, cultural diversity, marketing and sales.

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¿Por qué algunas PYME venden
y otras no?

¡Optimiza tu estrategia de ventas con un modelo probado y escalable!

Los problemas B2B más comunes:

  1. Previsiones de ventas poco fiables: Incertidumbre sobre los ingresos futuros.
  2. Mensajes ineficaces: Comunicación mal orientada que conduce a la pérdida de oportunidades.
  3. Ciclos de venta largos e ineficaces: Demasiados obstáculos y tiempo perdido.
  4. Falta de un proceso escalable: Depender de vendedores individuales en lugar de un sistema eficaz.
  5. Esfuerzos de marketing y ventas desconectados: Desajuste entre la generación de clientes potenciales y la conversión.

Soluciones ofrecidas en el libro:

  • Metodología Outbound: Construye un proceso de ventas que funcione de forma independiente, ofreciendo resultados predecibles.
  • Llamada en frío 2.0: Crea mensajes personalizados y escalables para obtener respuestas de los responsables de la toma de decisiones.
  • Definir el Perfil del Cliente Ideal (ICP): Identifica a los clientes adecuados y ahorra un tiempo valioso.
  • Optimización de CRM y Automatización: Integra herramientas tecnológicas para seguir y mejorar cada paso del proceso.
  • Estrategias de marketing entrante: Desarrolla contenidos valiosos para atraer a los clientes adecuados y convertirlos en clientes potenciales cualificados.

¿Qué encontrarás en el libro?

  • Técnicas prácticas para generar clientes potenciales y cerrar ventas.
  • Consejos para mejorar la comunicación con el cliente.
  • Herramientas para analizar datos y optimizar las decisiones de marketing.
  • Casos de éxito y estudios de casos.

¡Descárgate ahora tu ebook y transforma tu estrategia de ventas!

B2B Sales: the ultimate guide by Luigi Salmoiraghi