Brand or product? The chicken and egg dilemma

Brand Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Innovation Manager

A robust brand is a must in the dynamic landscape of today’s market.

It’s imperative to understand that while a superior product is essential, the brand purpose truly differentiates and elevates a product in consumers’ eyes.

Understanding the brand

A brand purpose transcends the mere functionality of a product; it embodies the essence of what the company stands for and the unique value it offers its customers.

It’s the driving force that informs all strategic decisions, from product development to marketing campaigns, ensuring that every action resonates with the brand’s core values and mission.

The primacy of brand over product

Focusing solely on product excellence without a compelling brand narrative can lead to market invisibility.

A strong brand purpose provides context and meaning, fostering an emotional connection with consumers.

This connection differentiates the product and cultivates customer loyalty and trust.

Key elements

  1. Identity and Positioning: Clearly articulating who you are, what you represent, and how you differentiate from competitors.
  2. Trust and Credibility: Building a reputation assures customers of consistent quality and reliability.
  3. Perceived Value: Enhancing the desirability of your product, often allowing for premium pricing due to the added value consumers perceive.

Case: Apple Inc.

Apple exemplifies the power of a strong brand purpose. Beyond selling technological devices, Apple promotes a lifestyle centred around innovation, quality, and design. This compelling brand narrative fosters a loyal customer base willing to invest in Apple products, even when alternatives with similar functionalities exist at lower prices.

Building your brand purpose

To establish a compelling brand purpose, consider the following steps:

  1. Define Your ‘Why’: Understand and articulate the core reason your company exists beyond making profits.
  2. Align with Core Values: Ensure your brand’s purpose reflects your organisation’s fundamental beliefs and values.
  3. Consistency Across Touchpoints: Maintain a uniform message across all platforms and customer interactions to reinforce your brand purpose.
  4. Engage Your Audience: Create narratives and experiences that resonate with your target audience, fostering a deeper emotional connection.

The impact on sales and marketing

A well-defined brand purpose is a compass for all sales and marketing initiatives. It guides the creation of campaigns that are not only consistent but also compelling, as they are rooted in the brand’s core identity. This alignment ensures that marketing efforts are authentic and resonate with the target audience, ultimately driving customer acquisition and retention.


In conclusion, while product excellence is crucial, the brand purpose breathes life into the product, giving it meaning and distinguishing it in a crowded marketplace. As a Sales & Marketing Action Manager, prioritising the development of a strong brand purpose will not only enhance your product’s market presence and build lasting relationships with your customers.

Remember, in the journey of business success, the brand often comes before the product. Defining and living your brand purpose sets the foundation for sustainable growth and customer loyalty.

A robust brand is a must in the dynamic landscape of today’s market.

It’s imperative to understand that while a superior product is essential, the brand purpose truly differentiates and elevates a product in consumers’ eyes.

Understanding the brand

A brand purpose transcends the mere functionality of a product; it embodies the essence of what the company stands for and the unique value it offers its customers.

It’s the driving force that informs all strategic decisions, from product development to marketing campaigns, ensuring that every action resonates with the brand’s core values and mission.

The primacy of brand over product

Focusing solely on product excellence without a compelling brand narrative can lead to market invisibility.

A strong brand purpose provides context and meaning, fostering an emotional connection with consumers.

This connection differentiates the product and cultivates customer loyalty and trust.

Key elements

  1. Identity and Positioning: Clearly articulating who you are, what you represent, and how you differentiate from competitors.
  2. Trust and Credibility: Building a reputation assures customers of consistent quality and reliability.
  3. Perceived Value: Enhancing the desirability of your product, often allowing for premium pricing due to the added value consumers perceive.

Case: Apple Inc.

Apple exemplifies the power of a strong brand purpose. Beyond selling technological devices, Apple promotes a lifestyle centred around innovation, quality, and design. This compelling brand narrative fosters a loyal customer base willing to invest in Apple products, even when alternatives with similar functionalities exist at lower prices.

Building your brand purpose

To establish a compelling brand purpose, consider the following steps:

  1. Define Your ‘Why’: Understand and articulate the core reason your company exists beyond making profits.
  2. Align with Core Values: Ensure your brand’s purpose reflects your organisation’s fundamental beliefs and values.
  3. Consistency Across Touchpoints: Maintain a uniform message across all platforms and customer interactions to reinforce your brand purpose.
  4. Engage Your Audience: Create narratives and experiences that resonate with your target audience, fostering a deeper emotional connection.

The impact on sales and marketing

A well-defined brand purpose is a compass for all sales and marketing initiatives. It guides the creation of campaigns that are not only consistent but also compelling, as they are rooted in the brand’s core identity. This alignment ensures that marketing efforts are authentic and resonate with the target audience, ultimately driving customer acquisition and retention.


In conclusion, while product excellence is crucial, the brand purpose breathes life into the product, giving it meaning and distinguishing it in a crowded marketplace. As a Sales & Marketing Action Manager, prioritising the development of a strong brand purpose will not only enhance your product’s market presence and build lasting relationships with your customers.

Remember, in the journey of business success, the brand often comes before the product. Defining and living your brand purpose sets the foundation for sustainable growth and customer loyalty.

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Picture of Luigi Salmoiraghi

Luigi Salmoiraghi

Boost your European growth journey. Senior B2B manager. Expertise in the IT sector. I help businesses navigate the post-Brexit landscape with insights on channels, legal, cultural diversity, marketing and sales.

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¿Por qué algunas PYME venden
y otras no?

¡Optimiza tu estrategia de ventas con un modelo probado y escalable!

Los problemas B2B más comunes:

  1. Previsiones de ventas poco fiables: Incertidumbre sobre los ingresos futuros.
  2. Mensajes ineficaces: Comunicación mal orientada que conduce a la pérdida de oportunidades.
  3. Ciclos de venta largos e ineficaces: Demasiados obstáculos y tiempo perdido.
  4. Falta de un proceso escalable: Depender de vendedores individuales en lugar de un sistema eficaz.
  5. Esfuerzos de marketing y ventas desconectados: Desajuste entre la generación de clientes potenciales y la conversión.

Soluciones ofrecidas en el libro:

  • Metodología Outbound: Construye un proceso de ventas que funcione de forma independiente, ofreciendo resultados predecibles.
  • Llamada en frío 2.0: Crea mensajes personalizados y escalables para obtener respuestas de los responsables de la toma de decisiones.
  • Definir el Perfil del Cliente Ideal (ICP): Identifica a los clientes adecuados y ahorra un tiempo valioso.
  • Optimización de CRM y Automatización: Integra herramientas tecnológicas para seguir y mejorar cada paso del proceso.
  • Estrategias de marketing entrante: Desarrolla contenidos valiosos para atraer a los clientes adecuados y convertirlos en clientes potenciales cualificados.

¿Qué encontrarás en el libro?

  • Técnicas prácticas para generar clientes potenciales y cerrar ventas.
  • Consejos para mejorar la comunicación con el cliente.
  • Herramientas para analizar datos y optimizar las decisiones de marketing.
  • Casos de éxito y estudios de casos.

¡Descárgate ahora tu ebook y transforma tu estrategia de ventas!

B2B Sales: the ultimate guide by Luigi Salmoiraghi