Five keys to create value using your own data

Data by Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales and Marketing Action Manager

Data: many companies often have access to third-party information, but only you can access your own. Your business collects information with consumers’ explicit consent through interactions on apps and websites and in response to marketing initiatives, such as emails and loyalty programs. 

 Using your records responsibly can help brands forge direct customer relationships, create value, and improve advertising outcomes.

According to Boston Consulting Group (BCG), using your data in essential marketing functions multiplies revenue by up to 2.9 and savings by 1.5.

Despite these advantages, most companies are not yet maximising their figures.

Despite these advantages, most brands are not yet making the most of their information.

 Let’s have a look at these five keys to keep in mind.

1. Customize your ads according to customer goals

What slows most brands from using data effectively is the lack of coordinated plans to guide the choice of information to be collected and how to analyze and activate it. 

Brands can overcome these challenges by setting clear goals for customer experience and adapting them to their business goals. These goals can help them differentiate between the data they need and what it’s good to have.

2. Offers value in exchange for data

Consumers want to see more transparency about how their online data is used and have more control over their experiences with digital advertising. Customers are more willing to share their information when brands demonstrate that they are responsible for the information and use it to deliver value through exclusive offers and loyalty programs.

When planning or re-evaluating your strategy, you need to ask yourself an important question:

Do we allow customers to see the benefits of sharing their data with us quickly? 

Consent management is critical. 

Another way to maintain customer trust is to have an excellent approach to data governance. By managing the records correctly and implementing processes to respect their accuracy and completeness, you can avoid security failures while improving accuracy, timeliness, and usability.

3. Invest in technology and organizational solutions

Technology and processes are also vital in getting the most out of your data. A good starting point would be to evaluate the maturity of your digital marketing strategy and identify opportunities to improve it.

Determine your shortcomings and consider whether you need new technology to achieve your business goals. Remember that incorporating new technologies won’t help if you haven’t connected the technologies and data platforms you already use.

4. Test and learn to determine activation

Once you’ve determined the information you want to collect and how you will manage it, you can focus on how you want to use it to improve the customer experience.

While many brands opt for individualized customization, the time and investment it requires can be significant. Applying a test and learning approach is an effective way to determine the types of activation that will help you achieve your marketing goals. The idea is to demonstrate value quickly with limited case studies.

5. Fine-tune and validate using measurement

The final key to the success of your data strategies is measurement. Measuring the effectiveness of the channel helps with media optimization, but measuring the effectiveness of your strategy can help you optimize your entire marketing strategy.

Our facts provides valuable insights that can help us improve customer experience and business outcomes. However, it is also essential that marketing professionals responsibly use their data. 

Data: many companies often have access to third-party information, but only you can access your own. Your business collects information with consumers’ explicit consent through interactions on apps and websites and in response to marketing initiatives, such as emails and loyalty programs. 

 Using your records responsibly can help brands forge direct customer relationships, create value, and improve advertising outcomes.

According to Boston Consulting Group (BCG), using your data in essential marketing functions multiplies revenue by up to 2.9 and savings by 1.5.

Despite these advantages, most companies are not yet maximising their figures.

Despite these advantages, most brands are not yet making the most of their information.

 Let’s have a look at these five keys to keep in mind.

1. Customize your ads according to customer goals

What slows most brands from using data effectively is the lack of coordinated plans to guide the choice of information to be collected and how to analyze and activate it. 

Brands can overcome these challenges by setting clear goals for customer experience and adapting them to their business goals. These goals can help them differentiate between the data they need and what it’s good to have.

2. Offers value in exchange for data

Consumers want to see more transparency about how their online data is used and have more control over their experiences with digital advertising. Customers are more willing to share their information when brands demonstrate that they are responsible for the information and use it to deliver value through exclusive offers and loyalty programs.

When planning or re-evaluating your strategy, you need to ask yourself an important question:

Do we allow customers to see the benefits of sharing their data with us quickly? 

Consent management is critical. 

Another way to maintain customer trust is to have an excellent approach to data governance. By managing the records correctly and implementing processes to respect their accuracy and completeness, you can avoid security failures while improving accuracy, timeliness, and usability.

3. Invest in technology and organizational solutions

Technology and processes are also vital in getting the most out of your data. A good starting point would be to evaluate the maturity of your digital marketing strategy and identify opportunities to improve it.

Determine your shortcomings and consider whether you need new technology to achieve your business goals. Remember that incorporating new technologies won’t help if you haven’t connected the technologies and data platforms you already use.

4. Test and learn to determine activation

Once you’ve determined the information you want to collect and how you will manage it, you can focus on how you want to use it to improve the customer experience.

While many brands opt for individualized customization, the time and investment it requires can be significant. Applying a test and learning approach is an effective way to determine the types of activation that will help you achieve your marketing goals. The idea is to demonstrate value quickly with limited case studies.

5. Fine-tune and validate using measurement

The final key to the success of your data strategies is measurement. Measuring the effectiveness of the channel helps with media optimization, but measuring the effectiveness of your strategy can help you optimize your entire marketing strategy.

Our facts provides valuable insights that can help us improve customer experience and business outcomes. However, it is also essential that marketing professionals responsibly use their data. 

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Picture of Luigi Salmoiraghi

Luigi Salmoiraghi

Boost your European growth journey. Senior B2B manager. Expertise in the IT sector. I help businesses navigate the post-Brexit landscape with insights on channels, legal, cultural diversity, marketing and sales.

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Perché alcune PMI vendono
e altre no?

Ottimizza la tua strategia di vendita con un modello testato e scalabile!

I problemi più comuni nel B2B:

  1. Previsioni di vendita inaffidabili: Non sai con certezza quale sarà il tuo fatturato.
  2. Messaggi inefficaci: Comunicazione poco mirata e perdita di opportunità.
  3. Cicli di vendita lunghi e inefficienti: Troppi ostacoli e sprechi di tempo.
  4. Mancanza di un processo scalabile: Dipendere dalle abilità di singoli venditori invece che da un sistema efficace.
  5. Poca integrazione tra marketing e vendite: Disconnessione tra generazione di lead e conversione.

Le soluzioni che il libro propone:

  • Metodologia Outbound: Costruire un processo di vendita che funziona autonomamente, garantendo risultati prevedibili.
  • Cold Calling 2.0: Creare messaggi personalizzati e scalabili per ottenere risposte dai decision-makers.
  • Definizione del profilo cliente ideale (ICP): Identificare i clienti giusti e risparmiare tempo prezioso.
  • Ottimizzazione CRM e automazione: Integrare strumenti tecnologici per monitorare e migliorare ogni fase del processo.
  • Strategie di marketing Inbound: Creare contenuti di valore che attraggano i clienti giusti, trasformandoli in lead qualificati.

Cosa troverai nel libro?

  • Tecniche pratiche per generare lead e chiudere vendite.
  • Suggerimenti per migliorare la comunicazione con i clienti.
  • Strumenti per analizzare i dati e ottimizzare le decisioni di marketing.
  • Esempi di successo e casi studio.

Scarica ora il tuo ebook e trasforma la tua strategia di vendita!

B2B Sales: the ultimate guide by Luigi Salmoiraghi