Attention: traffic ahead!

Traffic Luigi Salmoiraghi Sales Marketing Action Manager

Attention all businesses: traffic is coming!

Consumer behaviour has evolved, and new consumer journeys, competitors, and collaborators come with these changes. CEOs and CMOs must digitally transform their businesses to keep up. One critical task is to bring more traffic to their website, either to sell or generate new leads. However, many companies still need to improve their execution of a digital traffic generation strategy. In this post, I’ll share some tips to help you avoid common mistakes when optimising your digital traffic.

Tip #1:

  1. Diagnose the quality of your digital strategy and execution.
  2. Stop pretending you’re committed to digitally transforming your business if you’re not.
  3. Benchmark your site against competitors and realise how much further you must go.

Tip #2 Conversion Rate

Optimise your conversion rate. Once you’ve analysed your current digital assets, you can save money on third-party ads and improve conversion rates without spending much money. You can do this by making your website more user-friendly, simplifying your checkout process, providing clear calls to action, and leveraging social proof.

Tip #3 Branding!

Build your brand. Large digital companies still spend money on «old school» advertising like TV, radio, or billboards. A powerful brand will drive more direct traffic to your site and create entry barriers for future competitors. To build your brand, create a consistent brand identity across all channels, provide excellent customer service, and deliver high-quality products or services.

Tip #4 Users first!

Excel at your website’s user experience. Your website is like a retail outlet, and building a new one can be expensive. But it can also be your most crucial outlet and where many customers start their consumer journeys. To excel at your website’s user experience, ensure your website is mobile-friendly, fast-loading, easy to navigate, and visually appealing.

Tip #5 Mobile!

Think mobile. Mobile use is rising in every industry, so think mobile first when investing in new digital assets! Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, create mobile-specific content, and consider leveraging mobile ads to reach your target audience.

Tip #6 PPC Campaigns

Always go the extra mile in your PPC campaigns. Digital marketing is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and optimising your investment is critical. To do so, ensure you’re targeting the right keywords, creating compelling ad copy, and regularly testing and optimising your campaigns.

Tip #7 SEO

Don’t leave SEO in the hands of amateurs. SEO is getting more challenging, but if your product or service is competitive in the physical world, there will be plenty of opportunities to bring organic traffic to your site. To optimise your SEO, conduct keyword research, optimise your website’s on-page elements, create high-quality content, and build high-quality backlinks.

Tip #8 Search for help!

  1. Search for the most talented agencies.
  2. When you hire an agency, don’t let them slack off.
  3. Evaluate them and ask tough questions.
  4. Ensure they have experience working with businesses like yours and a track record of delivering results.

Tip #9 Data and more data

Invest in analytics. Building a good attribution model, properly analysing conversion, and extracting actionable insights from your database takes much work. Big data needs a long-term commitment, but if done successfully, it can give you a competitive advantage that is tough to copy. To invest in analytics, ensure you have the right tools and resources and a clear understanding of your business objectives and KPIs.

Attention all businesses: traffic is coming!

Consumer behaviour has evolved, and new consumer journeys, competitors, and collaborators come with these changes. CEOs and CMOs must digitally transform their businesses to keep up. One critical task is to bring more traffic to their website, either to sell or generate new leads. However, many companies still need to improve their execution of a digital traffic generation strategy. In this post, I’ll share some tips to help you avoid common mistakes when optimising your digital traffic.

Tip #1:

  1. Diagnose the quality of your digital strategy and execution.
  2. Stop pretending you’re committed to digitally transforming your business if you’re not.
  3. Benchmark your site against competitors and realise how much further you must go.

Tip #2 Conversion Rate

Optimise your conversion rate. Once you’ve analysed your current digital assets, you can save money on third-party ads and improve conversion rates without spending much money. You can do this by making your website more user-friendly, simplifying your checkout process, providing clear calls to action, and leveraging social proof.

Tip #3 Branding!

Build your brand. Large digital companies still spend money on «old school» advertising like TV, radio, or billboards. A powerful brand will drive more direct traffic to your site and create entry barriers for future competitors. To build your brand, create a consistent brand identity across all channels, provide excellent customer service, and deliver high-quality products or services.

Tip #4 Users first!

Excel at your website’s user experience. Your website is like a retail outlet, and building a new one can be expensive. But it can also be your most crucial outlet and where many customers start their consumer journeys. To excel at your website’s user experience, ensure your website is mobile-friendly, fast-loading, easy to navigate, and visually appealing.

Tip #5 Mobile!

Think mobile. Mobile use is rising in every industry, so think mobile first when investing in new digital assets! Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, create mobile-specific content, and consider leveraging mobile ads to reach your target audience.

Tip #6 PPC Campaigns

Always go the extra mile in your PPC campaigns. Digital marketing is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and optimising your investment is critical. To do so, ensure you’re targeting the right keywords, creating compelling ad copy, and regularly testing and optimising your campaigns.

Tip #7 SEO

Don’t leave SEO in the hands of amateurs. SEO is getting more challenging, but if your product or service is competitive in the physical world, there will be plenty of opportunities to bring organic traffic to your site. To optimise your SEO, conduct keyword research, optimise your website’s on-page elements, create high-quality content, and build high-quality backlinks.

Tip #8 Search for help!

  1. Search for the most talented agencies.
  2. When you hire an agency, don’t let them slack off.
  3. Evaluate them and ask tough questions.
  4. Ensure they have experience working with businesses like yours and a track record of delivering results.

Tip #9 Data and more data

Invest in analytics. Building a good attribution model, properly analysing conversion, and extracting actionable insights from your database takes much work. Big data needs a long-term commitment, but if done successfully, it can give you a competitive advantage that is tough to copy. To invest in analytics, ensure you have the right tools and resources and a clear understanding of your business objectives and KPIs.

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Picture of Luigi Salmoiraghi

Luigi Salmoiraghi

Boost your European growth journey. Senior B2B manager. Expertise in the IT sector. I help businesses navigate the post-Brexit landscape with insights on channels, legal, cultural diversity, marketing and sales.

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¿Por qué algunas PYME venden
y otras no?

¡Optimiza tu estrategia de ventas con un modelo probado y escalable!

Los problemas B2B más comunes:

  1. Previsiones de ventas poco fiables: Incertidumbre sobre los ingresos futuros.
  2. Mensajes ineficaces: Comunicación mal orientada que conduce a la pérdida de oportunidades.
  3. Ciclos de venta largos e ineficaces: Demasiados obstáculos y tiempo perdido.
  4. Falta de un proceso escalable: Depender de vendedores individuales en lugar de un sistema eficaz.
  5. Esfuerzos de marketing y ventas desconectados: Desajuste entre la generación de clientes potenciales y la conversión.

Soluciones ofrecidas en el libro:

  • Metodología Outbound: Construye un proceso de ventas que funcione de forma independiente, ofreciendo resultados predecibles.
  • Llamada en frío 2.0: Crea mensajes personalizados y escalables para obtener respuestas de los responsables de la toma de decisiones.
  • Definir el Perfil del Cliente Ideal (ICP): Identifica a los clientes adecuados y ahorra un tiempo valioso.
  • Optimización de CRM y Automatización: Integra herramientas tecnológicas para seguir y mejorar cada paso del proceso.
  • Estrategias de marketing entrante: Desarrolla contenidos valiosos para atraer a los clientes adecuados y convertirlos en clientes potenciales cualificados.

¿Qué encontrarás en el libro?

  • Técnicas prácticas para generar clientes potenciales y cerrar ventas.
  • Consejos para mejorar la comunicación con el cliente.
  • Herramientas para analizar datos y optimizar las decisiones de marketing.
  • Casos de éxito y estudios de casos.

¡Descárgate ahora tu ebook y transforma tu estrategia de ventas!

B2B Sales: the ultimate guide by Luigi Salmoiraghi